Example Letter 2

source gdocs

This is an example of what kind of document you can generate on Docmatic.
You can use this template and CSV directly in our system.

This is a functional demo of the form for this template.
You can fill it and generate a document to see how it works.
You can also create a CSV task with this template and the demo data below or clone this form and customize it from the buttons in the top.

Demo data for the Letter 2 template
recipient_name company_title company_name company_address company_city company_zip
Natalia Hegmann CEO Bruen, Mraz and Johnson 26539 Ruecker Groves, West Tony, AK 37597 Jedfurt 21680-6714
Prof. Naomi Ryan CEO Hudson Group 3778 Yost Causeway, Gusikowskishire, CO 62198 Pagacmouth 77906-5801
Antonio Davis CEO Torphy-Lynch 503 O'Hara Ranch, Jerryborough, AK 84581-3794 North Milan 10080
Len Cronin CEO Gerlach and Sons Apt. 545 6898 Ortiz Extensions, Glenbury, ND 32815-7740 Kohlerborough 29830-9199
Pres. Mauricio Gutkowski CEO Adams, Spencer and Jacobi 7209 Cruickshank Club, Percystad, IN 63323-3102 Patricialand 91922
Paris Purdy CEO Daugherty Group Suite 442 8074 Stiedemann Shore, Hilllville, GA 30594-8223 Lemkeville 81319
Renda Crist CPA CEO Corwin Inc 314 Jeffry Freeway, North James, FL 57145 Lefflerside 33751
Monroe Streich JD CEO Doyle LLC Apt. 151 3469 Claud Roads, Klockobury, MT 54721 O'Reillyview 70279-1851
Carol Conroy CEO Mitchell, Fahey and Schmeler 717 McClure Highway, East Theochester, NE 03179-4882 Sangview 17687
Marlin Ledner IV CEO Corwin-Brown 14956 Jacobson Parkways, South Rodney, RI 93686-0092 Lake Jacquelin 06239-1842